Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Watching Men Cum

This babe just loves watching her husband masturbate to ejaculation.
She also likes watching this guy too. But he'd better finish up and get the hell out of there. Her husband will be home from work soon!


  1. I have a long time female friend who recently admitted she enjoyed seeing nude men and likes watching them masturbate. Who knows, maybe I will get the chance to perform for her some day soon.

    1. If she photographs the festivities, you are welcome to post them here.

    2. We shall see what happens, not sure anything will, but it was a fun conversation.

    3. Don't have any photos yet, but did spend a couple hours nude for her on cam and masturbated while she watched. Was maybe not so exciting for a lot of people but was as exciting a time as I've had in a long time.

    4. I did the same last Saturday, but alas, no camera was present.

    5. I have performed nude for her on live cam four times now using Duo. Have not figured out how to record any of it, but it sure has been fun to have her watching me strip and masturbate until I cum. The last time, without showing anything, she masturbated to orgasm along with me. I don't even have to offer any more, she has started asking me to strip for her a couple times a week.

  2. Those both sound like awesome experiences, KH and OSF! I'm envious and proud of you!

    1. Vinz,

      We normally start off with her doing the stroking, but inevitably her wrist gets tired. Then I take over.

      She used to watch me in silence, but ever since a few months ago when I said "Do you like watching me?" she has egged me on with comments like "Gimme your juice!" and "Cum on my face!" as she watches me, no more than 12 inches from the action.
