Saturday, March 11, 2023

Naughty Doctors Abound

The nurse's aide in the blue scrubs was prepping a patient for an examination, on "Bring a Friend to Work Day".  Her 2 friends have no interest in joining the medical profession - they're just there for the fringe benefits.
So how does her boss feel about this non-professional activity?

I dunno.  She and another nurse are busy at the moment.
Elsewhere in the office, another nurse trainee is on independent study.


  1. I hope I get taken to this hospital and that they strip me before they put me in the ambulance.

  2. The ever popular medical fantasy! The girls in the neighborhood loved to play doctor and patient when we were little kids, so they could see what the boys looked like and show off their bodies. Now that I am an adult and have had primarily female medical professionals, the adult version is nothing like the fantasy or kid's games, they are very professional and go way out of their way to avoid even seeing a patient even shirtless. Of course it could just be me they don't want to see....
